City hotel Stuttgart
of Hotel Moehringer Hof
Moehringer Hof – your hotel for a short trip to Stuttgart…
Starting point for exploring the city and region of Stuttgart – Some of our tips can be found here!
Further sights or suggestions can be obtained individually at the reception.
Inside Stuttgart
Come to our green state capital: Stuttgart is cosmopolitan, no longer a province and can certainly satisfy a wide audience with many attractions!
In the following, we have listed important information for you, so that you can prepare optimally for your visit with us. We are looking forward to seeing you!

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Events to celebrate in Stuttgart
07. – 17. July 2022: 28. jazzopen
All of Stuttgart plays JAZZ ! On the Schlossplatz, in the courtyard of the Old Castle, in the BIX, in the Spardawelt or at the Open Days.
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07. – 17. July 2022: 33. Hamburg Fishmarket at “Karlsplatz”
“Moin, moin” is the motto for 10 days at the Hamburg fish market, at Büsumer Krabben, delicious plaice, Schillerlocken and the witty and quick-witted market criers such as Aal-Dieter.
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July 2022: CHRISTOPHER STREET DAY in Stuttgart
with the CSD parade as highlight on the end of July
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04. – 07. August 2022: 30. Stuttgart summer festival – the greatest Open-Air-Party
Schlossplatz and Schlossgarten invite you to the highlight of the summer year in Stuttgart and to one of the most beautiful city festivals in Germany. Let Stuttgart’s best restaurants spoil you with jazz, funk, cool party music and South American rhythms (on various stages). The atmosphere around the Theatersee in the evening is particularly fascinating.
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17. August – 04. September 2022: 45. Stuttgart Winevillage for wine lovers and all others
Excellent Württemberg wines are served in atmospheric decorated arbours. The Stuttgart innkeepers serve Swabian specialities such as cheese noodles, Maultaschen, Schupfnudeln and much more. The world meets at this most beautiful wine festival in Germany, which can be found around the Old Palace
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23. September – 09. Oktober 2022: 175. Cannstatter Volksfest / Oktoberfest – One of the world’s finest and biggest beer festivals
One of the largest and most beautiful folk festivals in the world awaits you with large beer tents, Swabian specialities, numerous driving pleasures and always new spectacular attractions. Experience the atmospheric opening ceremony and the big folk festival procession with splendidly decorated brewery cars and traditional costume groups from all over the country. Further highlights are the fireworks display and the hot-air balloon race.
Let’s have fun at the Wasen: more information
Book your stay in Stuttgart with our 2-night-offer.
24. November – 23. December 2022: Christmas Market in the City of Stuttgart
The Stuttgart Christmas Market is not only one of the most beautiful, but also one of the oldest Christmas markets in Europe. It was first mentioned in a document in 1692. His roots, however, go back further.
In addition to the overwhelming range of Christmas tree decorations, nativity figures, toys and wooden figures, the youngest visitors to the enchanting “fairyland”; also get their money’s worth. The great open-air ice rink in front of the New Palace is very popular.
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Book your stay in Stuttgart with our 2-night-offer.
22. April – 14. May 2022: 83. Stuttgarter Frühlingsfest / Europe’s biggest Spring Festival
Let the hustle and bustle and the folk festival get you in the mood for spring! The Volksfest-U-Bahn line brings you comfortably and without car stress to celebrate at the Cannstatter Wasen.
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Book our offer for 2 nights.
Cars - Car City Stuttgart
Mercedes-Benz Museum
Welcome to the inventor of the automobile !
Discover the whole automotive history:
From the first patented car to the hydrogen vehicles. Business cars, leisure cars, sports cars, …
Experience with your family, with your friends or together on a group trip the special fascination of 125 years of automobile history in the Mercedes-Benz Museum. Embark on a journey through time in an architecturally unique building: let yourself be guided by chronological stagings and thematic collections and inspired by innovations of the future of the Mercedes-Benz brand.
The gigantic building has become a real eye-catcher for Stuttgart since May 2006 and an absolute must for your visit to Stuttgart!
Porsche Museum – a museum as a giant aircraft with 3 supports
Legendary spiders can be found in the museum of the world famous manufacturer of racing and sports cars.
Focal points: Product history, technical innovations and the special features of the brand
Stuttgart can now feel calmly conscience as THE car city of Germany, connect your visit with us with this great architect’s throw, we look forward to you.
Kids - activities in Stuttgart
Wilhelma – zoo
In Stuttgart’s zoological-botanical garden the children experience the aquarium with crocodile hall and famous coral fish collection, a modern monkey house, the huge bear enclosure with polar and brown bears, a walk-in bird flight facility as well as the new Amazon house with animals and plants from the upper Amazon rainforest.
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Fairytale Garden at Baroque in Bloom in Ludwigsburg
Walk with your children through the world of fairy tales: Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, Frau Holle, Snow White and Rose Red and much more… The fairytale garden is located in the magnificent park of the baroque Ludwigsburg Palace.
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RITTER SPORT in Waldenbuch
in about 25 – 30 minutes by car
Mon – Fri 8.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m., Sat 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., Sun 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.,
During school holiday and on public holidays, please check the opening hours.
What does a cocoa tree look like? How does a cocoa bean become a bar of chocolate? How does the yoghurt filling get inside? And why is RITTER SPORT square in the first place? Use your senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch to reveal all the secrets of the “Food of the Gods” and explore the world of chocolate through play.
Mon – Fri 8.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m., Sat 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., closed on Sunday and public holidays
Tue – Sun 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
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outdoor swimming pool Möhringen
You’re in Stuttgart with your kids? Then the perfect place is the nearby pool – only 600m away.
just nearby in “Zwergenweg”, “Dornröschenweg”, at “Sindelbach” – or in the outdoor swimming pool
shopping without kids
You have your children with you and still want to shop in peace? No problem – the privately run Breuninger adventure department store on Rathausplatz offers its customers experienced, qualified childcare (Mon – Sat 10am – 6 pm). The children’s room equipped with great toys makes every child’s heart beat faster. Take the opportunity!
Kultur - Freizeit in Stuttgart
SI-Erlebnis-Centrum Stuttgart
Hier erwartet Sie neben Musicals im Apollo und Palladium Theater die Spielbank sowie eine erlebnisreiche Gastronomie mit Restaurants und Bars wie z. B. im Irish Pub mit Live-Musik, die Hausbrauerei, das Wiener Kaffeehaus u.v.m.
Die 1914 erbaute Markthalle gilt als architektonisches Meisterwerk und Oase für Liebhaber vor allem ausländischer Gaumenfreuden. Inmitten der Arkaden und farbigen Fresken vermitteln die zahlreichen Verkaufsstände das Flair eines mediterranen Marktes.
In 275 bequemen Sesseln kann man auch tagsüber den Sternenhimmel bestaunen. Ausgestattet mit dem weltweit modernsten Planetariumsprojektor können zudem Raumflüge zu Planeten, Kometen und Asteroiden simuliert werden.
Wilhelma – Zoo
In Europas größtem zoologisch-botanischen Garten sind mehr als 9.000 Tiere und herrliche Pflanzen aus aller Welt zu Hause – eingebunden in einen historischen Park mit faszinierenden maurischen Bauten – nicht nur für Kinder zu empfehlen! Neu ist das Amazonenhaus mit Tieren und Pflanzen aus dem oberen Regenwald. Mit Blitz und Donner wird es zum Erlebnis für jung und alt.
Staatsgalerie / Haus der Geschichte
Ein architektonischer Höhepunkt sind die Alte und die Neue Staatsgalerie, die Kunstwerke aus dem Mittelalter bis zum 20. Jht. präsentieren. Wechselnde hochkarätige Ausstellungen mit weltbekannten Künstlern. Fragen Sie uns nach näheren Details.
Gleich nebenan befindet sich das neue Haus der Geschichte, das erstmals die umfangreiche Geschichte und Kultur des Landes Baden-Württemberg auf interessante und aufschlußreiche Weise für groß und klein präsentiert.
Kunst und Ausstellungen in Stuttgart
RITTER SPORT in Waldenbuch
in about 25 – 30 minutes by car
Mon – Fri 8.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m., Sat 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., Sun 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.,
During school holiday and on public holidays, please check the opening hours.
What does a cocoa tree look like? How does a cocoa bean become a bar of chocolate? How does the yoghurt filling get inside? And why is RITTER SPORT square in the first place? Use your senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch to reveal all the secrets of the “Food of the Gods” and explore the world of chocolate through play.
Mon – Fri 8.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m., Sat 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., closed on Sunday and public holidays
Tue – Sun 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
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sport events in Stuttgart
09. – 13. August 2022: 34. German Open Championships
For 5 days the “Liederhalle Stuttgart” will once again be the centre of the world of dance sports. In 39 single tournaments professionals and amateurs compete in different dance styles.
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09. – 13. November 2022: 36. Stuttgart German Masters
In the “Schleyerhalle” the world elite of horses and riders meet. She measures herself in dressage, jumping, eventing and carriage driving.
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in April 2023: 45th Porsche Tennis Grand Prix
One of the WTA’s 20 world premier event tournaments in women’s tennis. The clay court tournament will be held in the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart.
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10. – 18. June 2023: 2nd BossOpen Weissenhof
Lawn tennis at the highest level: for the 2nd time as BossOpen the traditional club on the Killesberg Weissenhof hosts the men’s tournament.
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Schlossgarten-Tour: Das grüne U im Herzen Stuttgarts
Joggen Sie in der Gruppe ab dem “I-Punkt” und lassen Sie Ihren Tag sportlich ausklingen. Jeden Dienstag von Juli bis September von 18 Uhr – 19.15 Uhr geht es auf 7 km durch den Schlossgarten an vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbei.
Innenstadt-Tour: Laufend Sehenswürdigkeiten entdecken
Erleben Sie während einem 3,5 km langen informativen Lauf das noch “schlummernde” Stadtzentrum von Stuttgart, denn diese Tour startet um 7 Uhr am “I-Punkt” jeden Donnerstag und endet um 7.45 Uhr nach vielen morgendlichen Impressionen.
Nightlife in Stuttgart
Die BOA – Stuttgarts Kult-Disco seit 1977. Donnerstags After-Work-Party, samstags wechselnde Themenparties.
Joe Pena’s Cantina y Bar
Freuen Sie sich auf ein bisschen Mexiko im Joe Pena’s mitten in Stuttgart: eine große Auswahl erfrischender, leckerer Cocktails, sowie auf Fajitas, Burritos und Enchiladas in köstlichen Variationen.
Das mash ist eine der größten und eindrucksvollsten Eventlocation in Stuttgart und liegt mitten im Szene- und Kulturviertel, dem „Bosch Areal“. Schickes Restaurant-Flair sowie Disco-Club-Atmosphäre, glasüberdachte Terrasse mit Außenbars, einem Beach und einer Outdoor-Lounge.
Im Sausalitos in der Theodor-Heuss-Str.10 warten superleckere Cocktails und exquisite kalifornisch-mexikanische Spezialitäten. Klingt alles wie ein bisschen Urlaub im Süden – ist es auch. Toll präsentierte Gerichte bei klasse Musik. Zum Drinnen und draußen sitzen!
Hotel Moehringer Hof
Hechinger Straße 64-68
70567 Stuttgart-Moehringen

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